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Understanding Bible Chronology
The calendars and chronologies of the Bible
Piecing It All Together
Using the Keys of the Chronology of Redemption to assemble the events of the Bible
Understanding Bible Prophecy
The foundations of Bible prophecy
Bible Chronology
- Introduction
- God's Plan of the Ages
- Redemption
- Distinguishing Chronologies from Calendars
- Piecing Together the Past and Projecting the Future
- Interpreting the Bible
God's 7-Day Plan of the Ages
- Key 1: One Day = 1000 Years
- Key 2: Creation Week is the Blueprint
- Historical Writings
- Pictures of God's 7-Day Plan
- Key 3: The Jubilee Principle
- The Timetable of Messiah - Daniel's Seventy Weeks
- Israel's Great Jubilee Cycles
- An Apparent Contradiction
- Key 4: Unreckoned Time
- Piecing it all Together
Summaries of 7000 Years in the Chronology of Redemption
- 2000 Years from Adam to Abraham
- 500 Years from Abraham to the Exodus
- 500 Years from the Exodus to the Temple
- 500 Years from the Temple to Artaxerxes' Decree
- 500 Years from Artaxerxes' Decree to the Cross
- 2000 Years from the Cross to the Messianic Kingdom
- 1000 Years of the Messianic Kingdom
- 7000 Years in the Chronology of Redemption
- Bible Calendars
- Use of Date and Time
- Julian Day
- Lunar 354-Day Gentile Calendar
- The Sun and the Moon
- Lunisolar Autumn & Spring Calendars
- Lunisolar Modern Hebrew Calendar
- Solar Jesus Calendar
- Solar 360-day Calendar
- Solar Julian Calendar
- Solar Gregorian Calendar
- Linking Calendars
- Astronomical Data
Chronologies, Daniel's Prophetic Periods and the Tribulation
- The Bible's Chronologies
- The Chronology of Redemption
- Chronologies which reach 6000 Years on 12 June 1933
- Daniel's Prophetic Periods
- The Timetable of the Tribulation and the 1335 Days of Daniel 12
- Appendix 1: Creation Issues
Appendix 2: Redemption of Mankind and the Earth
- Redemption of Mankind through the New Covenant
- Redemption of the Earth through the Davidic Covenant
- The Messianic Kingdom
- The Tribulation
- The Fulfilment of God's Plan of the Ages
Appendix 3: Chronology Topics
- Annual and Periodic Records and Archaeological Findings
- Regnal Year Starts
- Numbering Regnal Years
- The Three Days and Three Nights Issue
- The Sign of Jonah the Prophet
- The History of Bible Chronology