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A list of Bible events in Chronological order.

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Gregorian Date


First day of creation week key event
Second day of creation week
Third day of creation week
Fourth day of creation week
Fifth day of creation week
Sixth day of creation week
Seventh and last day of creation week
Adam's 40 days to the Fall
Years of Adam's life
The Fall of Man key event
2000 years in the Chronology of Redemption from the Fall to Abraham Redemption Chron
Years of Abel's life
Unreckoned period from the death of Abel to the birth of Seth Unreckoned
Years of Seth's life
Years of Enos' life
Years of Cainan's life
Start of Lunisolar Modern Hebrew Calendar
The first day of creation in some Jewish traditions
Years of Mahalaleel's life
Years of Jared's life
Years of Enoch's life
Years of Methusaleh's life
Years of Lamech's life
31/3/3078 BC Years of Noah's life View
120-year Flood warning
Japheth born this year when Noah is 500 years old
Years of Shem's life
Start of the Flood year
Final week of grace starts
Unreckoned period of the Flood Unreckoned
Rain stops
Mountain tops now visible
Window opened and raven and dove sent out
Dove sent out second time
Dove sent out third time
Ark has its covering removed
First day of observed lunisolar calendar after the Flood
Noah leaves the Ark
Years of Arphaxad's life
Years of Salah's life
Years of Eber's life
Years of Peleg's life
Tower of Babel
Years of Reu's life
Years of Serug's life
Years of Nahor's life
Years of Terah's life
Nahor (2) born
Years of Abraham's life key event
The day on which Abraham is born
500 years in the Chronology of Redemption from Abraham to the Exodus Redemption Chron
Years of Sarah's life
Abraham enters Canaan
The 430-year sojourn between Abraham entering Canaan and the Exodus
Ishmael conceived
Unreckoned period from Ishmael's conception to Isaac's birth Unreckoned
Ishmael born
God appears to Abraham this year
Years of Isaac's life
The day on which Isaac is born
Isaac weaned
400-year sojourn of Abraham's seed
Abraham offers up Isaac on Mount Moriah
Isaac marries Rebekah this year
Years of Jacob's life
Esau marries this year
Isaac blesses Jacob this year
Jacob marries Leah and Rachel this year
Years of Joseph's life
Jacob leaves Laban after 20 years service this year
Jacob believes Joseph has been killed this year
Joseph starts to rule in Egypt this year
Seven Years of Prosperity
Seven Years of Famine
Jacob and his sons enter Egypt this year
Years of Moses' life
Moses exiled
Moses' 80th year
Start of Israel's lunisolar spring calendar
Passover lambs killed
The Exodus key event
500 years in the Chronology of Redemption from the Exodus Redemption Chron
Israel spends forty years in the wilderness
480 reckoned years in the Chronology of Redemption to the Temple
Israel receives the Law at Mount Sinai
Spies are sent into the land for forty days but Israel refuses to enter
Israel enters Canaan
First Passover in the land
The seven days of Unleavened Bread leading to the fall of Jericho
Manna stops now they can eat from the land
Fall of Jericho at the end of the seven days march
450 years of the judges
Land is divided this year
Servitude for eight years under Cushan-Rishathaim, King of Mesopotamia Unreckoned
Othniel judges for forty years
Servitude for eighteen years under Eglon, King of Moab Unreckoned
Ehud & Shamgar judge for 80 years
Servitude for twenty years under Jabin, King of Canaan Unreckoned
Deborah & Barak judge for forty years
Servitude for seven years under the Midianites Unreckoned
Gideon judges for forty years
Abimelech judges for three years
Tola judges for twenty-three years
Jair judges for twenty-two years
Servitude for eighteen years under the Philistines & Ammonites Unreckoned
Jephthah judges for six years
Ibzan judges for seven years
Elon judges for ten years
Abdon judges for eight years
Servitude for forty years under the Philistines Unreckoned
Eli judges for forty years
Servitude for twenty years under Philistines at start of Samuel's time Unreckoned
Samuel the prophet - the last nine years
Saul's forty year reign over Israel
Saul rejected after one year
390 years iniquity of the house of Israel
Last year of Saul's reign and accession year of David
David's reign of seven and half years from Hebron
David's reign of thirty-three years from Jerusalem
Last year of David's reign and accession year of Solomon
Solomon's reign of 40 years
The first 3½ years of Solomon's reign
Solomon's 4th year
480th Reckoned Year from the Exodus in the Chronology of Redemption
Temple started in the 480th year from the Exodus
Remaining 5½ years of building the Temple
5 years furnishing the Temple
Solomon's 15th year
500 years in the Chronology of Redemption to the Decree of Artaxerxes Redemption Chron
Solomon's 16th year
Dedication of the Temple
Last year of Solomon's reign and accession year of Rehoboam
Jeroboam's reign of 22 years over Israel
Rehoboam's reign of 17 years over Judah
Last year of Rehoboam's reign over Judah and accession year of Abijah
Abijah's reign of 3 years over Judah
Last year of Abijah's reign over Judah and accession year of Asa
Asa's reign of 41 years over Judah
Nadab's reign of 2 years over Israel
Baasha's reign of 24 years over Israel
Elah's reign of 2 years over Israel
Zimri's reign of 7 days over Israel sometime this year
Tibni and Omri's co-regency of 6 years over Israel
Omri's total reign of 12 years over Israel
Ahab's reign of 22 years over Israel
Jehoshaphat's co-regency of 3 years in Judah with Asa
Last year of Asa's reign over Judah and accession year of Jehoshaphat
Jehoshaphat's sole reign of 22 years over Judah
Jehoram's co-regency of 6 years in Judah with Jehoshaphat
Ahaziah's reign of 2 years over Israel
Joram's reign (Jehoram) of 12 years over Israel
Jehoram's sole reign of 8 years over Judah
Ahaziah's official reign of 1 year over Judah
Athaliah's reign of 7 years over Judah
Jehu's reign of 28 years over Israel
Joash's reign of 40 years over Judah
Jehoahaz's reign of 17 years over Israel
Last year of Jehoahaz's reign over Israel and accession year of Jehoash
Jehoash's reign of 16 years over Israel
Last year of Joash's reign over Judah and accession year of Amaziah
Amaziah's reign of 29 years over Judah
Last year of Jehoash's reign over Israel and accession year of Jeroboam
Jeroboam's reign of 41 years over Israel
Interregnum of 13 years in Judah
Last year of the interregnum in Judah and accession year of Uzziah
Uzziah's reign of 52 years over Judah
Last year of Jeroboam's reign over Israel and accession year of Zechariah
Zechariah's reign of 25 years over Israel
Last year of Zechariah's reign over Israel and accession year of Shallum
Shallum's official reign of 1 year over Israel & accession year of Menahem
Menahem's reign of 10 years over Israel
Last year of Menahem's reign over Israel and accession year of Pekahiah
Pekahiah's reign of 2 years over Israel
Last year of Pekahiah's reign over Israel and accession year of Pekah
Pekah's reign of 20 years over Israel
Jotham's co-regency of 6 years in Judah in place of Uzziah
Jotham's sole reign of 16 years over Judah
Ahaz's co-regency of 6 years in Judah with Jotham
Interregnum of 15 years in Israel overseen by Hoshea
Last year of Ahaz and Jotham's co-regency in Judah & Ahaz's accession year
Ahaz's sole reign of 16 years over Judah
Last year of Interregnum in Israel and accession year of Hoshea
Hoshea's reign of 9 years over Israel
Last year of Ahaz's reign over Judah and accession year of Hezekiah
Hezekiah's reign of 29 years over Judah
Israel taken into captivity in the last year of Hoshea' reign over Israel
Last year of Hezekiah's reign over Judah & accession year of Manasseh
Manasseh's reign of 55 years over Judah
Last year of Manasseh's reign over Judah and accession year of Amon
Amon's reign of 2 years over Judah
Last year of Amon's reign over Judah and accession year of Josiah
Josiah's reign of 31 years over Judah
Last year of Josiah's reign and accession years of Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim
Jehoiakim's reign of 11 years over Judah
Babylonian captivity lasting 70 years Unreckoned
The Seven Times of the Gentiles (Israel) begin
Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a great image this year
Last year of Jehoiakim's reign over Judah and short interregnum
Year of short interregnum and accession year of Jehoiachin then Zedekiah
Jehoiachin's reign of three months and ten days over Judah
Jehoiachin and Ezekiel deported to Babylon
Zedekiah's reign of 11 years over Judah
Ezekiel prophesies the Siege of Jerusalem
Initial Siege of Jerusalem begins
Final Siege starts the 70-Year Desolations of Jerusalem and the Land
The Seven Times of the Gentiles (Jerusalem) begin
Jerusalem falls
The Temple is destroyed
Refugees reach Babylon and report the fall of Jerusalem
Ezekiel receives the vision of the man with a measuring rod
Jehoiachin is released from prison by Evil-merodach king of Babylon
Cyrus issues decree for exiles to return to the land & rebuild the Temple
End of the 70-year desolation of the Temple in 515 BC
Daniel's 70 Weeks started by Artaxerxes' Decree to Ezra key event
500 years in the Chronology of Redemption to the Death of Jesus Redemption Chron
Artaxerxes grants a letter of safe passage to Nehemiah this year
Julian Calendar introduced
The Annunciation
Jesus born at Tabernacles in 2 BC key event
Jesus circumcised
Jesus presented in the Temple
Visit of the Magi
Jesus leaves Egypt at Passover
Jesus keeps Passover and Unleavened Bread at age twelve
Jesus found in the Temple after three days
Daniel's 70th Week (initial run) key event
John the Baptist begins his Testimony at the Start of Daniel's 70th Week
Jesus baptised on His 30th birthday at the start of His 3½-year ministry
Jesus' seven days of ordination during the Feast of Tabernacles
Forty days in the wilderness
Jesus celebrates Passover in Jerusalem in 30 AD
The final year of grace to Israel begins on Jesus' 33rd birthday
Lamb of God set aside
Jesus rides in triumph into Jerusalem
The Lord's Passover Meal - the Lord's Supper
Crucifixion and Death of Jesus key event
Unreckoned period of one day after the death of Jesus Unreckoned
3/4/33 AD Resurrection and Presentation of Jesus to the Father key event View
The period of forty days until the Ascension
Ascension of Jesus key event
22/5/33 AD The Day of Pentecost View
The 141 days after Pentecost until Israel is 'cut off' from God's favour
Israel is cut off from God's favour for a season at the stoning of Stephen key event
Reckoned period of Gentile favour in the Chronology of Favour to Nations
Traditional date the Second Temple was destroyed
First day in the new Gregorian Calendar throughout the Catholic world
Year start moved to 1 January in Catholic countries
Britain adopted the Gregorian Calendar
World War One
Balfour Declaration
Bolshevik October Revolution in Russia, in November
Jerusalem captured by Allenby
End of World War 1
The British Mandate for Palestine came into effect
Gentiles cut off from God's favour key event
United Nations vote on the partition of Palestine
End of the Times of Gentiles - Israel
Rebirth of Israel key event
End of the Times of the Gentiles - Jerusalem
Projected: The Rapture of the Church at Pentecost key event
Projected: The Tribulation, starting the day after Pentecost key event
Projected: The initial 141 unreckoned days of the Tribulation Unreckoned
Projected: Daniel's 70th Week key event
Projected: The 1260-day Ministry of the 2 Witnesses
Projected: The 1335 days of Daniel 12
Projected: The 3½ day Mid-Tribulation interval Unreckoned
Projected: The 1290 days of the Great Tribulation
Projected: The 30 days escape time Unreckoned
Projected: Antichrist's world dictatorship of 1260 days
Projected: The Second Coming and the Great and Glorious Day of the Lord key event
Projected: The 1000-year Millennial Kingdom key event
Projected: 40-day preparation period for the Messianic Kingdom
Projected: 40-day Epilogue to the Millennial Kingdom

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